Most scripts can be run without arguments to show a list of possible input parameters. If you just want to use downloaded grid chains, you can use the plotting scripts and GetDist GUI directly without reading below; see Planck grid readme for examples.
A description for a grid of models is given in a python settings file.
python python/ mygrid my_settings_fileThis produces sets of .ini files for each run in mygrid/iniFiles, and a directory structure for storing chain results.
For a more complicated example of a large grid configuration see python/planck/ To run with settings in a module (subfolders) do e.g. "python mygrid planck.settings_planck_2018". Covariance matrices (.covmat files) for Planck data with various parameter combinations are in planck_covmats folder, linked by default for grid runs.
Grid scripts take as a first argument the name of the folder containing the grid, and also many optional arguments that can be used to restrict to particular parameter or data combinations. Available scripts include:
python python/ main mytable_limit95 --limit 2If you want to see how parameters shift around wrt to some baseline data combination use --changes_from_datatag datatag, which adds the fractional change in each parameter's mean in units of the baseline data combination's standard deviation; use --changes_from_paramtag paramtag to show shifts for each data combination wrt to the given baseline parameter combination. Use -h to see full list of possible options. mygrid --dist --chains