MCSamples Module file:GetDist


Subroutines Expand Arguments

  • CheckMatlabAxes(afile)
    • integer intent(in) :: afile
  • CoolChain(cool)
    • real(mcp) intent(in) :: cool
  • DoConvergeTests(limfrac)
    • real(mcp) intent(in) :: limfrac the limit to split tests and Raftery-Lewis
  • EdgeWarning(param)
    • integer intent(in) :: param
  • Get1DDensity(j)
    • integer  :: j
  • Get2DPlotData(j, j2)
    • integer intent(in) :: j
    • integer intent(in) :: j2
  • GetChainLikeSummary(unit)
    • integer  :: unit
  • GetFractionIndices(n, fraction_indices)
    • integer intent(in) :: n
    • integer  :: fraction_indices(*)
  • MakeSingleSamples(single_thin)

    Make file of weight-1 samples by choosing samples with probability given by their weight

    • integer  :: single_thin
  • MapParameters(invars)
    • real(gp)  :: invars(1:ncols)
  • PCA(n, pars, normparam_num, param_map)

    Perform principle component analysis In other words, get eigenvectors and eigenvalues for normalized variables with optional (log) mapping

    • integer intent(in) :: n
    • integer intent(in) :: pars(n)
    • integer intent(in) :: normparam_num
    • character(LEN=*) intent(IN) :: param_map
  • SortColData(bycol)

    Sort coldata in order of likelihood

    • integer intent(in) :: bycol
  • ThinData(fac, ix1, ix2)

    Make thinned samples

    • integer intent(in) :: fac
    • integer intent(in), optional :: ix1
    • integer intent(in), optional :: ix2
  • Write1DplotMatLab(aunit, j)
    • integer intent(in) :: aunit
    • integer intent(in) :: j
  • Write2DPlotMATLAB(aunit, j, j2, DoLabelx, DoLabely, hide_ticklabels)
    • integer intent(in) :: aunit
    • integer intent(in) :: j
    • integer intent(in) :: j2
    • logical intent(in) :: DoLabelx
    • logical intent(in) :: DoLabely
    • logical intent(in), optional :: hide_ticklabels
  • WriteMatlabLineLabels(F)
  • WritePlotFileExport(unit, plot_col, plot_row, tag)
    • integer intent(in) :: unit
    • integer intent(in) :: plot_col
    • integer intent(in) :: plot_row
    • character(LEN=*) intent(in) :: tag
  • WritePlotFileInit(unit, sm, subplot_size)
    • integer intent(in) :: unit
    • logical intent(in) :: sm
    • real intent(in) :: subplot_size
  • WriteS(S)
    • character(LEN=*) intent(in) :: S
  • WriteThinData(fname, cool)
    • character(LEN=*) intent(in) :: fname
    • real(mcp) intent(in) :: cool

    Functions  Expand Arguments

  • real(mcp) ConfidVal(ix, limfrac, upper, ix1, ix2)
    • integer intent(IN) :: ix
    • real(mcp) intent(IN) :: limfrac
    • logical intent(IN) :: upper
    • integer intent(IN), optional :: ix1
    • integer intent(IN), optional :: ix2
  • character(LEN=:) allocatable dat_file_2D(j, j2, rootname)
    • integer intent(in) :: j
    • integer intent(in) :: j2
    • character(LEN=*)  :: rootname
  • character(LEN= :) allocatable dat_file_name(j, rootname)
    • integer intent(in) :: j
    • character(LEN=*)  :: rootname
  • real(mcp) dinvnorm(p)
    • real(mcp)  :: p
  • character(LEN=:) allocatable matlabLabel(i)
    • integer intent(in) :: i
  • integer MostCorrelated2D(i1, i2, direc)
    • integer intent(in) :: i1
    • integer intent(in) :: i2
    • integer intent(in) :: direc
  • logical PlotContMATLAB(aroot, j, j2, aunit, DoShade)
    • character(LEN=*) intent(in) :: aroot
    • integer intent(in) :: j
    • integer intent(in) :: j2
    • integer intent(in) :: aunit
    • logical intent(in) :: DoShade
  • character(LEN=:) allocatable python_param_array(params, num)
    • integer intent(in) :: params(:)
    • integer intent(in) :: num
  • character(LEN=:) allocatable quoted_param_name(j)
    • integer intent(in) :: j
  • character(LEN=:) allocatable quoted_param_name_used(j)
    • integer intent(in) :: j