mpk File

Module storing observed matter power spectrum datasets, their points and window functions
and routines for computing the likelihood

This code is based on that in cmbdata.f90
and on Sam Leach's incorporation of Max Tegmark's SDSS code

Originally SLB Sept 2004
AL April 2006: added covariance matrix support (following 2df 2005)
LV_06 : incorporation of LRG DR4 from Tegmark et al . astroph/0608632
AL: modified LV SDSS to do Q and b^2 or b^2*Q marge internally as for 2df
BR09: added model LRG power spectrum.
AL Oct 20: switch to Ini_Read_xxx_File; fortran compatibility changes

JD 29/07/2013 removed LRG stuff
JD 03/08/2013 fixed compute_scaling_factor and associated functions
to work with w_a/=0

JD 09/13: Replaced compute_scaling_factor routines with routines that use CAMB's
built in D_V function.

JD 02/14  CosmoTheory changes;  Added MPK_Common
